Cheryl Gardipy at Athabasca Basin Security talks to students in Black Lake about careers in the security industry at the KCDA Athabasca Fly In Career Fair.

Athabasca Fly In Career Fair

September 23, 2019 in Giving Back
Explorer: Fall 2019

KCDA hosted its Annual Athabasca Fly In Career Fair on May 13-16, 2019. 309 students from grades 7-12 and 37 teachers took part in this year’s fair. Rick Langlais from Hands-on Outreach and Development presented to the students before students were given access to the career booths. Numerous organizations attended, including University of Regina, Northlands College, Service Canada, RCMP, Aurora Communications, First Nations University, ESDC, QM Points, Sask Polytechnic, SATCC, Athabasca Health Authority, and North Sask Victims Services. Athabasca Basin Development was the title sponsor for the event, and Points Athabasca and Athabasca Basin Security presented this year.